Sunday, November 25, 2012


An account by Leonard leet of freewill hikers from Johor, read it all here.

Freewill hikers members mainly make up from the Full gospel church at Johor Jaya.,Johor.

This is their first hike at  Tabur Kuala Lumpur.

Their second visit was on 20th December 2012, since it was a public holiday at Johor they make their way to this hill again. Some of the members who came on the first trip did not make it this time. There were a few new comers. This time we went to Tabur West and Tabur Far east through the secret garden.

Here are some of the shots of the trip.

Below 6 photos are from Wendy Tan's camera.

Guiding a member how to get down.

view from the secret garden

with the organiser of the hike, Wendy