Wednesday, September 12, 2012


This post is abit long overdue. It was my last hike at Johor with my friends. Thanks to Eric, who arrange this hike specially for me, as he knew I would be back to my hometown. I have been to Panti a couple of time, but not via lukut. Our first attempt did not went too well and we seems to go in circle but could not locate the entrance. So this time Eric was very sure of the route, as he had hike with another friend of his and he had marked the trail well.  Since I started working here in Johor my only free time was either sunday provide I was not on duty or a public holiday. So happen the factory was shut down for maintainace during the Hari Raya holidays,  we arranged the hike on that day. Here are some of the photos during the hike.

the trail is not as steep as from the rain forest entrance, until towards the final trail where we had to climb up a rock.

more photos here  courtesy of Eric Lim